Tesla Model S drivers complete 728.7km on single charge, claim world record

Two Tesla Model S drivers, Bjorn Nyland and Morgan Torvolt, from Norway say that they’ve driven 728.7km on a single charge of the electric sedan’s battery.

This, it’s claimed, is good for a new world record. Even if it’s not, the two men have managed to drive almost 50 percent further than the car’s official range rating of 491km.

For this feat, the two hypermilers brought along some video recording gear and set the Model S‘ cruise control to 40km/h. During the journey, the friends reveal that much of their trip is on fairly straight roads with little elevation change.

Taking turns at the steering wheel, Nyland and Torvolt drove for a total of 18 hours and 40 minutes in a Tesla Model S P85D. Their roundtrip to and from the supercharger in Rodekro, Denmark consumed a 77.5kWh of juice â€" the P85D’s standard battery is rated at 85kWh.


To limit the nuisance factor to other road users, Nyland fitted signs reading “Test” and “Slow” to the rear of his electric sedan. In the video, at least, the two also use the car’s hazard lights liberally whenever there’s traffic around.

Nyland will reportedly participated in an ask me anything question and answer session soon on Reddit.
